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  • eliteeduvisa@gmail.com
  • B-816, Sun Westbank, Near Vallabh Sadan Riverfront, Opp. City Gold Cinema, Ashram Rd, Ahmedabad
  • Mon- Sat: 09.00 AM to 08.00 PM


Spouse Visa

Reunite with Your Partner in Germany

  Reuniting with your spouse in Germany is a significant step in building your life together. The Spouse Visa (also known as the Family Reunion Visa) allows spouses of German citizens or residents to join them in Germany. Our services ensure that this process is smooth and stress-free:

  •  Processing Time: The Spouse Visa processing time typically ranges from 8 to 16 weeks.
  • Fees: The fee for a Spouse Visa is €75. Additional costs for document translation and certification may range from €100 to €200.
  • Eligibility Verification: We assess your situation to confirm that you meet all the requirements for the Spouse Visa, including marriage validity, financial stability, and accommodation standards.
  • Document Preparation: The Spouse Visa application requires precise documentation, such as a valid marriage certificate, proof of residence in Germany, and evidence of financial support. We guide you in compiling and verifying all necessary documents.
  • Language Requirement Assistance: Depending on your situation, you may need to demonstrate basic knowledge of the German language (A1 level). We provide resources and guidance to help you meet this requirement, including information on language courses and certifications.
  • Visa Interview Preparation: We prepare you for the visa interview with the consulate, helping you understand the questions they might ask and how to respond confidently and effectively.
  • Post-Arrival Support: Once you’ve arrived in Germany, we assist with the necessary registrations, such as obtaining a residence permit, health insurance, and setting up bank accounts. This ensures a smooth transition into your new life with your spouse.

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